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Showing posts from July, 2019

what career path is right for them

I got with a black man one time who apologized in advance for his seven inch show er cock. I exclaimed, "Why the hell are you apologizing?" I mean, talk about a buzzkill! He said he worried about being a disappointment in the size department, since all black men are supposed to be hung like horses. Now that's a lot of horseshit!. dildos Is anyone really sure what career path is right for them? You say you not trying to shit on my parade, but it honestly isn intended to be a parade. The reason I desperately posted this topic multiple times is because I at the end of my rope. I wasted years of my life and have no realistic passions or talents to show for it, and the logistics of trying to afford rent, saving up for a drivers licence so someone will hire me, and picking something; anything; before the studylink deadline next week is all I can think of. dildos cheap dildos Onto the vibes. They add more tightness, and a humming sensation that really makes this feel like a t...